Police officer in uniform with badges


Community Partnerships Bureau

L.A. County Sheriff’s Department

Captain Geoffrey Deedrick is a 33-year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.  Captain Deedrick leads the Community Partnerships Bureau, which includes the LASD Mental Evaluation Team and the Homeless Outreach Services Team.  Both teams were first-of-its-kind Co-Response teams, that paired a specially trained deputy sheriff with their respective civilian counterpart. 

 MET and HOST have developed a reputation for being innovative, compassionate, and collaborative.  They have developed collaborative partnerships with over 300 entities, as well as numerous Municipal and County Departments, to assist those experiencing a mental health crisis and/or homelessness.   

Captain Deedrick has been awarded the Department’s Medal of Valor, Meritorious Service Award, Exemplary Service Award, and Distinguished Service Award.  He also is an instructor for the Department’s First Responder Homeless Training and the “ROAR” Crisis Stabilization class.